Are you ready to clear your mind, clear your calendar and get back to YOU?

Uncover the REAL reason why you have no time, space or energy for yourself & your highest level priorities!

"I'm finally ready to STEP up and put myself FIRST, eliminate my scattered energy so that I can finally step into my own JOY.

The White Space Workshop includes everything you need to finally make the commitment TO YOURSELF to uplevel your professional and personal life in 2024, so that you can achieve the type of freedom and space you need to ditch the time blockers, eliminate distractions and align with your true core self.

During this actionable step by step workshop, we are going to catapult you to get your time back and design your life for freedom! 

If you’re feeling right now that you don’t even have the time, space or energy to EVEN FIND the time to watch this workshop, you’re definitely in the right place!

Unlock the powerful secrets you need to be able to truly align with your highest priorities for ONLY $47!


You know you NEED to make some BIG decisions this year in order to change your life.

But you probably feel stuck, and don't know how.

I'm Marisa Liza Pell, Intuitive Channel and Transformational Empowerment Mentor and I've helped thousands in the past 25+ years figure out what they're really meant to do, come back to who they are + what they really want!

You’ve had it with replaying the same old tapes over and over again!

You know in your heart that you deserve more. You know you TRULY want more.

You also know your situation has the potential to be great, but you just don’t have the clarity you need to take the necessary steps in the right direction!

You’re probably frustrated because when you see yourself making a lot of progress – but in only a short matter of time you experience yourself taking many steps back. 

You’ve had more advice thrown at you than you’d like to admit – and while it all made sense on some level – you feel that most people “just don’t get it”. And to add to it, it seems most people close to you just don’t see how difficult it is to be in your shoes. 

You may wonder, “Why can’t I just do what people simply tell me to do – and take their much heeded advice?”

Well it’s not that easy! 

Let’s just release the shame right here and now! Because if you’re relating to the above, that means we’ve been in your shoes, and we’ve found a way out.

We know how it is to struggle to create the space to do what you love. You’re right, it’s not that easy!

That’s why we have some step by step simple SOULutions to get your mindset back on track!

Are you ready to make the decisions YOUR INTUITION is telling you to make, so that you can feel confident, joyful, and back to your sassy self again? 

Of course you are!

So let’s get you ready to go and get that love you’ve always desired and dreamed of!


You feel like you've tried literally everything to get intentional, slow down and enjoy life .

But then ten million things come up again, and you're off to the races! Do any of these sound like you?

I'm ready to live life on MY terms now.

"I know it's the right time to take this step. I've given a lot of strength to others, and now it's time for me to create a bigger life and step into a place where I can RECEIVE..."

What would it feel like if you were able effortlessly work through your stuck points NOW and finally get clarity on who you came here to be, and what you came here to do?

Imagine how it would feel to:

BECOME so clear

That you can feel at ease KNOWING that you are ONLY focused on your highest level goals and priorities, and you can figure out how to fit everything you want to do into your day!

MASTER the art of recognizing the time drainers

AND be able to say NO before you take it all on again – every time. For good. No more justifying, no more ‘seeing the potential’, and no more ‘trying to fix’ those project people and things that appear in your life – and potentially drain every ounce of life force energy out of you.


GAIN so much self-trust in your next steps and direction!

That you won’t have to ASK anyone for ‘what they think you should do’ in your life or relationships – EVER AGAIN!


After applying these principles, she not only decluttered her work space, but her whole life!

“You have a heart of gold! Your course totally transformed my life!”

– Racheal Sundrey

Jen shares her wins on our podcast! "The GOLD is in doing your deep inner work!"

“When we’re really wanting to manifest the love, and the purpose and the abundance, or whatever it is that we desire out of life – we NEED to come from a very high vibrational frequency – and we do that THROUGH our inner work and making our HIGHEST INTENTIONS the ONLY FOCUS!



Imagine you had just the right amount of focus, time and energy to get "all the things done" with plenty of time and energy left over JUST FOR YOU!

Here’s the amazing list of what you’ll be receiving during this virtual workshop!

PART I: The 'REAL' Reason You Have No TIME & ENERGY!

The White Space Workshop will explore the 3 Keys To Self Commitment will explore how lack of self-trust, clarity and an ungrounded energy plays a role in the cycles of overwhelm and burnout you play out in your life, relationships and as a leader! 

In this training you will receive: 

PART II: Uncover your biggest TIME WASTERS through the 'MY PRIORITIES' Inventory and Walkthrough

What if taking just 3 simple action steps could uncover how you are spending most of your time?

In this training, you’ll learn how to make these 3 energy shifts immediately to change course and get on the path to your highest alignment.

PART III: Your Inner Alignment Toolkit: Integrating It All Together

We will start this integration process by creating ACTUAL space on two levels: in your mind and in your calendar!

You’ll be shocked to see how much actual FREE time you already had available to you after moving through your ‘my priorities’ inventory!

🏆 BONUS: Dream Life Visualization Journal

Once you create some ideal white space, let’s take the next step and have a plan for how you will fill your time! Because we don’t want to keep replaying the pattern of filling it up with more low intention clutter!

Where Can I Implement This?

You'll be able to apply these tools and resources to any life sector where you need it most!


Get out of the 'weeds' and make space for your highest level goals.

Promised yourself 10 years ago you’d write a book, or make time to travel to Europe? 

* Fast forward ten years, and the dusty manuscript is still half written on the shelf, and you’re still dreaming of that private cabana in Greece!


Take stock of the draining relationships that take up your time and slow you down.

You keep telling yourself you’re not going to let people get you down, and you’re going to start making space for you, and ONLY saying ‘YES’ to the things you love doing.

* Fast forward 30 years, and you’re still saying YES out of guilt and obligation and the only events filling your calendar are chaos and overwhelm!


Decide it's YOUR TIME now in your retirement, and step into your true soul purpose!

You had a BIG dream when you were a kid, but decided to take the safe route and take the path of “all the shoulds” you thought would make you happy. 

*Fast forward 50 years, and you realize you took care of everyone else, worked hard and maybe raised a whole family – and you lost yourself in the process! 


I don't want this pain to hold you back anymore, so I'm going to make this a no-brainer for you.

I normally charge a lot more for this type of training (and I probably should be…)

But I feel passionate about getting the right people educated about what is ‘really’ standing in their way in life + business

And if you ‘don’t know’ what the root of it is, how are you supposed to research what to do? 

Which is why we are choosing to extend over $1500 of value to get the message of the mission out to as many leaders as possible!

For this limited time one-time workshop, you will get access to everything for only $47! 60% off right now.

Ready to get rid of trying to force yourself to enjoy life, slow down, and be present with the ones who matter?


Total Value = $1679



LIVE Testimonials from the Workshop!

Our *LIVE* attendees couldn’t contain their excitement! One new attendee announced that it was the best “hotseat coaching” she has ever seen! Check out their statements out here! 👇



After completing this workshop, you will have created the space and focused intention to move forward in your most important key areas of life and business.

Since this virtual workshop is *instantly* accessible, there are no refunds after purchase.

We recommend you do your best to prepare energetically, mentally and physically to be without distractions prior to and during the time time you choose to view the workshop. We make no guarantees as to the results from this workshop, but we can say you WILL get our of it what you put into it! So set your best intention, and at least make one commitment to yourself right now by taking the step in!


Is The White Space Workshop for you?



Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have access to the workshop?

Normally it’s only 12 months, but if you purchase with this promotion, you will have access for the life of the program!

Is this a LIVE training?

No! This workshop is an online video course that you can take on your own time!

(Although we do recommend you take action on your purchase so you can start moving ahead ASAP!)

We did include as a bonus some Q&A from our live workshops, so you can enjoy some extra content!

What if I have questions?

Normally, we do not offer extra support on our one time virtual trainings.

However, recently we built a free private peer-peer support community where you can gain accountability and also ask questions about your training!

*We do not offer additional coaching in the community

For more in depth personalized and implementation support, please see your emails following purchase for an invite to your next steps! 

Let's get you on board!


Total Value = $1679

