
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3249″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_outline_circle_2″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”Service Descriptions” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:32|text_align:left|color:%23680101″][lvca_accordion style=”style3″][lvca_panel panel_id=”panel-60185a9458669″ panel_title=”Connection Beyond Messages”]Connection Beyond Messages are special moments connecting you to loved ones who have passed. There is no guarantee of a specific person or message, as anyone may come through during your session. We ask that you be open to receiving messages from whomever would like to speak to you from the other side. It is not your need that determines who will visit during a session. The messages that come through are connected to the present moment as well as timing. The messages are what you will need to hear for that day. Your beloved pets may come through to say hello as well.

Important Note: If someone has JUST passed and/or you are grieving heavily, we ask that you wait until you are emotionally ready to come in. Some time needs to pass for the individual to transition on the other side. There is no set amount of time to wait. Come when you feel you are called. [/lvca_panel][lvca_panel panel_id=”panel-60185b0737a8e” panel_title=”General Intuitive Insight”]During general sessions, insight and guidance is channeled for all life areas. You may inquire about relationships, career path, relocation, real estate, business, and wellbeing.

Please note: This is not a psychic reading. Marisa will provide detailed information and insight connected to the pathway you are currently on. The purpose of this session is not for a future prediction. Marisa believes in the power of free will and choice to change your pathway for the positive once insight is received. It is up to you to make your decision on which way you will choose.[/lvca_panel][lvca_panel panel_id=”panel-60185bb680a3b” panel_title=”Consulting Packages”]We offer a wide range of business consulting services including executive coaching for CEO’s as well as mid and long term packages. Other consulting areas include real estate, business development and relationship coaching.

These packages are for those who would like to make changes for the long term in the above life areas, especially if there is a lack of forward momentum or progress at the present time. Packaged are designed based on the needs and goals of the client. We offer a preliminary phone consultation to discuss if we will be able to help you meet your needs.

To schedule a preliminary interview, please click here.[/lvca_panel][/lvca_accordion][vc_single_image image=”3262″ alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Individual Sessions” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:32|text_align:center|color:%23444444″][lvca_services per_line=”3″][lvca_service_item icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-phone” title=”Phone: 35 min”]This is our most popular type of session and includes insight into ALL life areas. This is a FLOW session, which means that we will begin with some of your pertinent life questions.  Any information that comes through in between your questions from your higher source will also be relayed. If someone from the other side chooses to come through to relay a message to you, that will be presented as well. We highly recommend you put some focus and thought into your questions prior to the session.

Fee: $195
[/lvca_service_item][lvca_service_item icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-desktop” title=”Skype / Zoom: 60 min”]This session is a more in depth session which is best suited for those who are in the midst of personal and spiritual transformations and transitions. If you only have one or two life questions, we recommend the 35 session, as Marisa can cover a lot during that time. The Skype and Zoom sessions are designed to present information from higher source, and also to provide insight into the pathways necessary to break patterns and achieve inner peace and fulfillment. If you are looking to make changes and are ready to look at your patterns and take the action steps necessary to ascend to higher levels, this would be a great fit. We also offer zoom sessions for couples and family members of 2.  Fee changes for the amount of people in the session.

Fee: $350 (individual) 
[/lvca_service_item][lvca_service_item icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-window-restore” title=”Packages”]If you are looking to take steps toward short and long term goals, whether that be personal or spiritual, signing up for a coaching package would be the best fit. Coaching slots are limited and are available in various tiers.

Fee: Packages Vary
[/lvca_service_item][/lvca_services][vc_custom_heading text=”Consulting Services” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:32|text_align:center|color:%23444444″][lvca_services per_line=”3″][lvca_service_item icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-briefcase” title=”Business Consulting “]We offer a wide range of business consulting services including executive coaching for CEOs as well as mid and long term packages for small to mid size businesses. We also offer services in business development, operations, hiring, and providing creative based solutions for increased productivity and forward momentum.

[/lvca_service_item][lvca_service_item icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-lightbulb-o” title=”Relationship Insight “]If you are looking for more of an in-depth session in the relationship arena, this service will provide short and long range solutions to solving repeating patterns. These are cycles that you may have been playing out not only in your romantic relationships, but also in your friendships and family dynamics.

[/lvca_service_item][lvca_service_item icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-home” title=”Real Estate Services”]We offer a wide range of sessions related to both commercial and residential real estate. Finding the right energetic space will help you thrive in your business and home life. If you are selling or moving, we work to figure out what may be blocking your progress. Whether the issues be energy based, practical or spiritual, we work to find a solution.

[/lvca_service_item][/lvca_services][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1519240595927{background-color: #444444 !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

For any of the above consulting packages, we offer various options and packages based on your needs. Please contact us to schedule a preliminary phone consultation to assess your goals. 
