Your May Monthly Energy Update! ✨

✨ The #EnergyUpdate for the timeframe of May 15th- June 15th is now here!

I’ve tuned in for the themes of the months of May and June and have some incredible insights for you as we move into the following areas: 🏔

Getting ready to really take off in your #manifesting journey 🏔 Renewing and recalibrating the people and energy you surround yourself with! 🏔 Recalibrating and aligning from your source of true power in your career! We will then take a look at the major aspects of the month, how they impact you, and the key dates for manifesting in the areas of love, romance, self-care, intuitive acceleration, and stepping into your key power! Make sure to tune in to the entire forecast! Marisa

Is the past resurfacing in your mind? Have you heard from people you haven’t spoken to in a while? 

➡️ Well, there’s a reason for that, and that’s the lovely Mercury Retrograde motion you are sensing. We are officially in it’s shadow – so if you are feeling a little bit like you’re going over old ground and memories, that’s probably why.

From April 21st through May 14th, Mercury will be going in reverse in the sign of Taurus.

Funny thing about going over old ground is even this forecast!!

Before I produced them in video format, they were always written out – so maybe this will even bring the “old” back for you, if you’ve been following me for a while!

We are officially in the days leading up to the retrograde motion, and we always have to be aware of the 3 days prior to the retrograde station, as it tends to be a little more intense before the slowdown and also the 3 days leading out.

So if you are experiencing minor delays, and GPS re-routes already, know that you’re already experiencing the Mercury Retrograde, and instead take it from the old Milli Vanilli song, and just “blame it on the GRADE.” I know, I know. Maybe you’ll laugh – if you get the 80’s reference! 😉

Symbolized by the bull, Taurus (the first Earth sign of the zodiac) is associated with the material world: objects, money, food, environmentalism, and resources of all kinds, (including financial institutions) are all within its domain.

Surprise, surprise! With what I was mentioning before about old papers, banking and old insurance agreements, it seems to all make sense!

Mercury moves fast – in fact it takes Mercury only 88 days to complete an orbit around the sun – which is why Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god of commerce, who also governed communication, travel and transportation.

(Today, Mercury’s role has been expanded to include technology, digital expression, thoughts and ideas.)

Considering Mercury’s impressive scope, it’s no wonder we rely pretty heavily on this planet from an astrological perspective.

And with everything I already listed, isn’t it interesting what’s being uncovered?

We are starting off the month with a little sad song, but don’t we all love sad songs sometimes? (Come on in, Elton!)

Below are the April dates, beginning with the 16th!

✍️ 16th – The day of rainy days and sad songs. Remember those days? When it just felt good to go back to old memories..and remember how great an old song could make you feel?

Maybe it was sad, maybe it brought up an old relationship, and maybe it brought back the smells, sights and sounds of a previous time.

It was a great feeling remembering the good old times.

Today is a day where you may literally go back in time! Enjoy whatever the day holds

✍️ 17th, 18th and 19th – The days of tough love. What needs to stay and what needs to go?

It’s time to ask yourself…

What is working and what isn’t?

It may be a tough couple days to come to these realizations.

But it may just be what it takes and what you need to turn it around and make the turnaround, if you know what I mean.

In these three days, it will be extremely hard to debate the facts, and things will be very clear, so there’s no room for misinterpretation.

You can argue it, you can’t debate it, it’s either you take it and let it guide you, or leave it.

✍️ 20th – After a few days of really tough things to think about, you may have your first real eye opening experience, or mini spiritual awakening so to speak.

Something that you’ve been going back and forth about now makes a ton of sense.

It’s your first real A-HA moment on this topic and something you’ve been processing for some time.

Now after a tough few days, it finally makes sense. The veil has been lifted and you no longer have to go back and forth about this topic anymore.

But there are some decisions to be made. However –

While you may have the clarity, now is not the time to make them due to the Mercury Retrograde lack of clarity and retrograde station on the 21st. 

✍️ 21st – The 21st will be a power day even though it is the beginning of the experiences in communication being a bit “wirey” so to speak.

But if you think of it, we already had that for the last 7 or so days anyway!

I feel the 21st will be a 🏆 golden day to get what you want.

It needs to be focused only on ONE item though.

✨ Kind of like when you visited the mall as a kid and put the penny in the fountain! ⛲️

Here is an example!

What is something you want in one area, maybe relationships?

Do you want someone to just truly understand you, make an adjustment for you, or give in to something you’ve been wishing for for a while?

How about something material, practical, or maybe even an answer you’re seeking.

Today, is the 🏆 golden day, stay focused and use it wisely, and look for that shiny penny somewhere! ✨

✍️ 22nd – A great day to get some “you” time, some sleep and rest – even if you have to do a brief getaway for the day! Maybe a spa? 🧖🏻‍♀️

✍️ 23rd – Also a good day for a break, or even to get out in the sun ☀️ outside. Also a great vacation day, just don’t want the retrograde to be in full swing to start your plan!

✍️ 24th and 25thThe twin days. For some reason, I heard the twin towers, but I don’t see that as a bad thing.

I see them as towering, strong and powerful against the NYC skyline. 🌅

I feel this means that you have the support in one sector of life that you’ve always wanted and have been lacking.

You now have strong, successful, powerful and even emotionally strong people around you and behind you, finally giving you the tremendous support you need.

✍️ 26th – The 26th almost jumped out on the page to me – not sure what that means!

It’s a day of decisions!

Legal matters may be rectified or solved and be delivered.

News may also come to you of something that has been unsolved, or “masked” in the past year – not allowing you to see the whole picture.

I want to say this was accomplished by others for their own means and specifically for others not to know.

News will come from an unexpected source and you WILL know.

✍️ 27th – You may be angry or even fearful about what you found out.

Do not be afraid. What has happened was the exact path the person or situation had to follow from the previous 3 decision points in their life where the path may have changed otherwise.

There was nothing you could do.

You must sit with this and accept it, and try to come to terms with accepting the “decision” by the other person to make the choices they did.

It was not about you. Wasn’t ever. Will not ever be.

They stand by as a protector to this day. Stay strong.

✍️ 28th – Some old writings will be uncovered either from a journal you will find, or by any author that may understand the truth about a serious question or problem you’ve been seeking or encountering.

You will be set free by these truths if you look at them from a different perception. 

✍️ 29th & 30th – Clear days to “loll in the Florida sunshine” as they say!

Kick your feet up and enjoy the sunshine!

Listen to some music and maybe see friends on the back deck and BBQ!


I also keep seeing the old episodes of the love boat.

Hmmm maybe this is some old school love.

✨ May 1st is a very powerful day of love. Someone may profess their love or admiration for you that you had no idea was coming, or you may hear from someone from the far past (like from 15-20 years ago) that comes forth and professes their old feelings and regrets about not following through on expressing how they felt at the time.

They may expect a reply from you about this, but you do not know to respond, and it’s better you take some time to sit with it. 

✨ May 2nd – A great day to go back to an old creative passion like an art, or painting class.

Something you may have started that you enjoyed that you didn’t get to really do much of!

There is some talent there, get back to it.

✨ May 3rd – Watch out! You are on your game. 🏆  Even though it’s the retrograde and I don’t usually advise promoting yourself at this time, I’d say go for it in the areas of career, and recognition. 🏆

There are people behind the ‘scenes’ who’ve been watching your progress, and they may finally feel right about coming out of the woodwork, making you some sort of offer, and not taking no for an answer (even though you may feel you’re done considering what has not worked in the past!) 

Consider it! ☀️

👉 May 4th – The day of love and devotion. If you have a spiritual practice, this is the day where you should turn to your guides, angels or saints, or God (in your way) and will know that the direction you are now in has been written and you’re on path.

Thank them, connect with them. This is your day of devotion, and those who are devoted to you will profess it.

✍️ May 5th – The day of indecision, contradiction and compromise.

What do these three things all have in common?

Well first you’re back to that see saw mentality about something new this time.

And you don’t want that! 

Now that you’ve had clarity on everything else, it’s like the mind has to find something else to obsess about.

Don’t let it happen!

Because you’ll be right back where you started.

The indecision will lead to contradiction in your actions, which will then lead you to realize you have to compromise something you “think” you want.

Realize today’s energy is just merely an illusion, and you’ll be making more of a mess out of the mess you just recreated if you know what I mean!

✍️ May 6th – Take very good care of your personal health and hygiene and put self-care as a priority this weekend. You may feel the “rush” inside to get a lot done.

And it won’t go well and it will certainly lead to miscommunication and even possibly arguments which will invariably lead to you feeling “off”.

Stay calm. Stay centered. Do some deep work, breathing or yoga.

✨ May 7th – The day in May to rest! You must. Put your feet up!

✨ May 8th, 9th and 10th

These are your power days of organization, setting things up and structuring your processes.

Keep these days set for practical purposes and don’t care about any emotional things. 

✍️ May 11th – Great day to set yourself up for powerful releases and transformations!

✍️ May 12th – The day of self-love, and service completely to the self so you can elevate and help others on their own journeys.

✍️ May 13th – A day of big, fat, abundance and joy!!!

✍️ May 14th – Following these big releases, there may be some sadness and old grief that surfaces.

🌊 If you are around water, leave it there and set sail! 🏖

✍️ May 15th – A day of staying put. Not doing too much. Just reflecting. Don’t take much too seriously today, although you may want to assess everything.

The more you stay ‘out of your mind’ (in a good way) and into the present being the better!

Hope you enjoyed this month’s forecast. Make sure to click here or on the image below if you’d like to get your monthly forecast every month directly delivered to your inbox! Enjoy your policy! 📣

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