Get your Marisa’s Exclusive *Monthly Video Forecast* here:
🎙️Lounnggeee!! Are you ready for yet another Friday evening edition of #Lounge? Of course, you are!
So you’ve heard of NDE’s! But have you ever heard of STE’s? STE stands for Spiritually Transformative Encounters!
Diving into this topic for our show this week is Dr. Marni Hill Foderaro.Dr. Marni is an award-winning and celebrated author, speaker and educator. She earned her doctorate in education from Northern Illinois University and completed postdoctoral studies at Harvard after a very successful and rewarding 35-year career as a high school special education teacher, with 12 years as a university adjunct graduate school professor.
Marni’s life was forever changed after experiencing numerous trauma-induced STEs-Spiritually Transformative Encounters.
Marni is a contributing author to numerous anthology books and in January 2022 was inducted into the Bestselling Authors International Organization.
Things you will learn from this show:
Pay attention to signs and synchronicities
Handle life’s challenges positively and do the inner work to heal and grow
Stay true to your core values and follow your passions
Get Marni’s 2020 Best Books Award Winning Spiritual fiction! “God Came to My Garage Sale”
AND, as we always say, BE THERE or BE SQUARE. Plain and simple.
Marisa’s MONTHLY ENERGY FORECAST is already out now!! 👉
Every 15th of the Month, Marisa goes over key dates for the month for manifestation! Whether that be relationship, career, or relocation decisions, timing is key!