๐Ÿฅ– Monday Motivation: It’s All About The Dough! (literally!)

๐Ÿš€ Monday Motivation: It’s ALL About the Dough (Literally!)

This morning, I took a moment to congratulate one of our Momentum members for taking the risk to following a creative passion!ย As an entrepreneur, Alex had a little extra time on his hands in between his business projects. When this happens, we find it easy to start worrying about where the next project is coming from, or get scattered in anxiety about the future. Can you relate?ย After taking a sourdough class (which came as a surprise gift), he started making his own bread while continuing to work on his business prospecting – and found that not only could he “make” the bread, but it was the best he’s ever eaten (all his life he always sought out the best breads!)ย This has provided not only a passion, but also a connection back to himself – honoring his intuition – which inevitably helps us get back to our own self-trust.ย Tuning into that connection helps us to be more presen – and fuels us to be pleasantly productive in life and business – and that allows us to share ourselves with others in a more interesting way!


I’m so excited to see where this bread making goes ๐Ÿฅ– (he’s a remodeling contractor by trade BTW!)ย Sometimes, as creative leaders and entrepreneurs – we tend to think of “goals” as the things we “do” – like being more productive, finishing our tasks on time, or taking the steps to making more money.ย The more we think of how we aren’t doing these things “fast” enough, or feeling like we aren’t even close to hitting our self-imposed deadlines, the activation actually INCREASES in our bodies – putting us even more in a fight/flight or shutdown state.ย While it may seem like we are “doing” something by continuously researching or thinking about how we need to do more, we actually find ourselves on that hamster wheel once again!ย One of the ways I show people I care about them is not by trying to help get them “fixed” anymore – but by really paying attention to them – watching what lights them up and what makes them smile.ย And usually that isn’t figuring out how to make more money – although it can lead to a passion which does!ย Sometimes what I do is provide a gentle nudge toward picking up a passion or creative project. Or maybe I might send a gift card for an activity that might spark it up!ย Once it hits, and someone gets a spark for their new passion, it’s hard to turn away from it –ย and things start to get more aligned in ALL life areas!ย 

More times than not, they will come to me later on and say – “You know what? Come to think of it, I remember doing something like this as a kid, or they have a memory of it when they were little!”


Your glimmers are there, it’s time to look for them in your daily life! ๐Ÿ†
There’s a difference between profit and purpose!

To find your glimmers, just go about your life this week and notice what lights you up! There are clues everywhere!

Want to come join us in the conversation about your dream goals and creative projects?

Come and join the free community here! 

Have a great week!

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