January 2009 Inspirational Message From Marisa Pell
January 7th, 2009
I can’t believe another year flew by! We are on the verge on many changes this year, so it’s time to stay positive.
However, it is a year of simplicity and realizing what is really important. This will be a very significant year for special relationships, especially those with family and friends.
Great relationships will be built this year, and also romantic prospects will move to the next level. This is also a great year for engagements, weddings and surprise gatherings. I will post a blog dedicated to this energy after the inspirational message for this month.
So let’s get to January! Are you feeling sluggish, tired, a little lazy and worried about funds? Welcome to the shadow period of the astrological aspect of Mercury Retrograde! The energy is moving at a snail’s pace, and you may actually feel the slowing down feeling in the air around you. This is classic a few days before Mercury goes into retrograde. Here is a link to gain a little general insight about Mercury In Retrograde.
Don’t expect large amounts of money, job offers, or important meetings to blast off in the coming week. If you can, I would postpone any major business meeting or proposals for another two weeks. However, we will still be in retrograde at that time, so it would be best to wait until the second week of February to begin all new projects. If that isn’t possible, try to at least postpone dealings for another week or two. People are just not very excited right now, and have a foggy brain, so they may just brush off what you are pitching or proposing. Ideally, it would be best to wait until this energy speeds up a bit.
Days for romance are ideal right now. Because business is slow, it may be a great time to slow down with your partner or even a few close friends and enjoy the relaxing energy.
It is also an ideal time to get your body moving. Sluggish energy can lead to destructive eating and drinking habits that may be hard to kick once life gets busier. And it will very soon! The weather this month will be very erratic. I wouldn’t plan a ski trip until the last minute due to the strange weather patterns this month will have to offer.
The message of the month — take a load off! Rest, relax and renew, because mid January will start to pick up and you’ll wish you had the time to get your energy settled from the busy holiday season.
As with any mercury retrograde period, expect electronic issues, missing voicemails, people from your past coming back, appointment cancellations, funerals, reunions, general forgetfulness and musical nostalgia.
Slow down and enjoy yourself!
Best wishes for the New Year and stay tuned for an in depth report of the energies I spoke about above in my blog.