#TheLounge LIVE SPIRITUAL PODCAST 2022 | Astrology Trends 2022 | Intuitive Medium Marisa Liza Pell

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Lounnnggeeenites!!! Are you ready for our next show in our Fall Manifestation Series? And isn’t it exciting when you can find out how it all applies to YOU directly?

If you had fun calculating your astrological sign in the KP Astrological system from our last show (and the fall predictions for your sign in the next 3 months), you will LOVE our upcoming show this Friday!

If you haven’t already joined us on last week’s show, check it out via the links below under “featured interview”!

This week, we are going to be taking YOUR ASTROLOGICAL SIGN and going one step deeper into an aspect in your chart that relates to your dream purpose & career!

Next, you will be finding out your human design type and how the two are connected!

Our special guest this week specializes in tying all this together with a beautiful bow and presenting you with your fall manifestation plan connected to these charts so you can have some solid insight to build your dream career and follow through with the plan!

Sooo.. let’s welcome her to the show!

Meet Magdalena Tatarczewska!

Magdalena is an Entrepreneur, ICF Certified Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and Emotional Intelligence Analyst. She has over 10 years of Business and Leadership experience in the technology space!

She now uses a winning combination of spiritual science, astrology and human design to help those become more fulfilled in work and life.

Magdalena will bring you the following takeaways:

1. How to calculate the deeper aspects of your astrological chart.
2. The meaning of the “dream career aspect” in your astrological chart.
3. The meaning of your significant human design type.

Once these are calculated, she will show you how to look at them all together to create a winning combination for success!

So as always, be there or you’ll be square!

Marisa’s MONTHLY ENERGY FORECAST out now where she goes over all your key dates for the month for manifestation! Whether that be relationship, career, or relocation decisions, timing is key!

Make sure to get YOURS by joining now here https://linkfol.io/marisapell


Find out more HERE 👇

Website: https://connectionbeyond.com/

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: https://www.instagram.com/marisalizapell
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