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Meet our guest for this weekend’s #Lounge, Author Jennifer Juvenelle!
JENNIFER JUVENELLE is a Native American/French author born in Hollywood, raised in Detroit, and fashioned in France. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Jennifer fell prey to the traumatic victim/predator pattern for many years. The early abuse and later re-victimization caused Jennifer to seek escape first through two failed suicide attempts in her teens, and later through drugs and alcohol.
Despite the fog of her twenties, Jennifer earned a bachelor of arts degree in Theatre from Wayne State University, moved to Paris at twenty-three where she lived before eventually moving to Los Angeles to pursue her lifelong dream of acting. It was there that the early childhood trauma caught up to her. The repetitive cycles of substance abuse, depression, and panic attacks became untenable, leading to a dark night of the soul and moment of surrender that caused Jennifer to finally stop everything to focus on healing. It was at this moment that her journey into the light truly began.
Now, six years later, Jennifer is releasing the unexpected byproduct of her healing journey, her debut novel, DAUGHTER OF BELIAL, and sharing her personal story publicly for the first time.
She talks with us today about how she approached healing from sexual trauma and how intuitively writing her book assisted in that process, along with some expert tips on how you, too, can approach your own healing journey.
After leaving L.A. in 2019, Jennifer currently lives with her debonair Aussie author husband and adorable young son in a remote Mexican seaside-jungle village. She now splits her time between crafting page-turning psychological thrillers, personal development, and the magic of motherhood.
Her book, DAUGHTER OF BELIAL, is the first in a series and explores the murky waters of family secrets, dark occult rituals, child abuse, and sexual assault. Among others, it has received top early reviews from Kirkus along with a 5-star seal from Readers’ Favorite who called it a “Machiavellian masterpiece”. Released on October 10, DAUGHTER OF BELIAL is available on Amazon in eBook, paperback, and hardcover.
Jennifer will bring you the following keypoints:
1. Share her personal healing journey: from depression and addiction to healed and thriving.
2. How she intuitively channeled her book.
3. Top 3 Methods that facilitated her personal healing and growth:
a. Awareness & desire for change (dark night of the soul)
b. Somatic therapy
c. Energy healing and psychic surgeries (most vital!)
4. How she gave herself grace in times of deep shifting to identify negative patterns and create healthier ones.
You can connect with Jennifer and purchase her book via the links below!
Her book is available on Barnes & Noble and on Amazon!
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/daughter-of-belial-jennifer-juvenelle/1142113552
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Daughter-Belial-Jennifer-Juvenelle-ebook/dp/B0B85WN3SG/
Website: https://jenniferjuvenelle.com/
So as always, be there or you’ll be square!
Marisa’s MONTHLY ENERGY FORECAST will be going out THIS WEEK (on the 15th of the month) where she goes over all your key dates for the month for manifestation!
Whether that be relationship, career, or relocation decisions, timing is key!
Make sure to get YOURS by joining now here https://linkfol.io/marisapell
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