Greetings Loungenities!!!! We have a lovely show planned out for you tonight and I cannot wait for our topic and special guests! Wonder what themes 2021 has in store?
Are you curious to know what trends are on their way for your astrological sign?
Look no further, as our colleague KP Astrologer and Tarot Card reader all the way from India makes his way to our #Lounge! Meet Sujay! Sujay will go over trends for EACH sign and also take some viewer questions in the later part of the show!
And of course, how can you come to #TheLounge and not boogie down?
#AprilMaeandTheJuneBugs return with some CatFish Dave action to raise that energy and get you all in a cheery mood on this February evening!
Medium Elise Sattilaro will also be on hand to compare HER cards with the cards of the evening, so let’s see what comes up! It’s all in a Lounge Night.
SO get ready, get comfy, turn on those stellar lights and let’s get to it.
And be there. Don’t be square. Better yet, leave the squares somewhere else.
In addition to our weekly Lounge, Marisa also does weekly energy forecasts in #TheOffice. Click here to tune in to this week’s weekly forecast!
Love these weekly energy updates and want to see what the whole MONTH has in store?
Make sure to sign up here for Marisa’s FREE Monthly Energy Forecast Videos (psst. they are not LIVE)
If you’d like to TUNE IN LIVE weekly and interact with us, make sure to subscribe on YouTube and become a Fan on Facebook where our community loves to mingle and talk about all the transitions we are headed for in the 5d realm of consciousness!
Want to learn more about Sujay? Follow Him On Twitter!