๐Ÿ’ก Wednesday Wisdom: What We Really CAN Control ๐ŸŒณ

โ˜€๏ธ Wednesday Wisdom: What We REALLY Can Control ๐Ÿƒ

As I write on my “sticky” keyboard, I’m pondering the meaning of life. I just spilled all my tea onto my keyboard, and looked up some hack on YouTube about using rubbing alcohol to get it off.

But I know how this game works! I just upgraded some energy, and when that happens, usually we need to make some more “room” ! And that room was for a new computer – but not a keyboard! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Usually the new energy is a little faster moving than the old vibration, so I’m not surprised! I figured at some point the new computer would require the newer energy of the keyboard!

And, YEAH – these keys are sticky!

So over the past few days, I thought about the inspirational message, about the idea of control – and what we CAN and CAN’T control.

I also wanted to share with you a very SIMPLE change you can make to UPLEVEL YOUR VIBRATION and elevate your mindset almost instantly.

And drum rollllll… Here It Is. ๐Ÿฅ The Art Of Intentional Content ๐Ÿ“ฒ

And, no this CONSUMPTION has nothing to do with FOOD!

It has to do with what we CONSUME energetically with the time we have!

This is the reason I built the White Space Workshop. It was designed to help calm the scattered mind and create more expansion, time space and freedom.

It wasn’t really because people didn’t have TIME & SPACE – although most people existing in their own hamster wheel scattered thinking would tell me that their real issue was that they had NO TIME, ENERGY AND SPACE for themselves to create the life they loved.

I would nod my head, because it would take too long to explain that they actually had more time, energy and space than they realized. BUT, I also knew it would take them seeing this in ‘black and white’ to see and understand that the time and space they REALLY ‘DID’ HAVE wasn’t being enjoyed INTENTIONALLY.

In November, we conducted The White Space Workshop LIVE and held some Q&A’s. Part II of the workshop is all about taking your Priority Inventory – and for most attendees they were pretty astounded how they were using their time (that they thought they had none of).

After taking inventory, and adding up all the mindless tasks filling this time – they were astounded to find out that they had as much as 2-3 extra HOURS in a day to create with!

What did they find out? Here’s on average how the time was being spent (yes hours!)

๐Ÿ“ฆ Scrolling On Social Media

๐Ÿ“ฆ Doom Scrolling TikTok

๐Ÿ“ฆ Getting on calls with friends/family members who were talking at length about their problems

๐Ÿ“ฆ Watching Low Energy/Vibration content: The News, TV shows with drama, or Low Vibration Subjects (usually fear/adrenaline based)

๐Ÿ“ฆ Rumination in their Mental Space of things that could NOT be controlled

And there’s no SHAME in any of it. We all do it. But in excess, it can be detrimental to your energy. And this is something that you can INSTANTLY do to change your mindset, uplevel your vibration and start living more in high intention.

๐Ÿƒ You do have CONTROL over the content you CONSUME.

The reason I am writing this today is because I was actually able to create some space in my life to do something spontaneous over the weekend – and had some time to relax and switch on the tv.

I don’t usually watch TV, and I’ve stopped watching the news and other types of media content many many years ago.

After moving through many healing layers in my own personal journey (and embracing high energetic sensitivity – as both a gift and something I need to be mindful about) – it was time to create more intentionally.

Even though the above content draws us in, it also leaves us with the energy we go about our day with – and what we take with us to manifest and align with.

So – when I turned ON the TV – Nearly EVERY SINGLE channel had something fear/adrenaline based on it. So I decided on some upbeat renovation shows on HGTV! ๐Ÿก

However, nearly EVERY commercial break included commercials for pharmaceuticals.

It made me think – if this is what is being consumed by most people – no wonder anxiety and fear are at the forefront – which inevitably spikes our nervous systems into overdrive and we go right into a fight/flight state – or sometimes into overwhelm and then shutting down.

๐ŸŽž๏ธ And here’s the newsflash with that: Your INTUITION and CLARITY goes completely OFFLINE for YOURSELF in those states.

THEN, there is NO control over your reality. Your decisions and thoughts at that point go into survival.

What you would choose to say, do and engage with in that state is MUCH different than what you would choose to do in a CONNECTED and CALM STATE.

When you are in a connected and calm state, you choose and think differently. You flow with the day. Everything doesn’t seem like it’s a rush and you’ll get to be even more productive when your mind isn’t spinning all over the place.

We cannot control the EXTERNAL but we DO have something that is WITHIN our control that allows us to shift our mindset almost immediately – and start living on a higher level.

And that is CHOOSING your content intentionally.

This is an action step you can take RIGHT NOW to start changing your life.

What will you prune from your tree today? ๐ŸŒณ

It’s time TO DREAM big, and GET GOING! ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ



Your glimmers are there, it’s time to look for them in your daily life! ๐Ÿ†
There’s a difference between profit and purpose!

To find your glimmers, just go about your life this week and notice what lights you up! There are clues everywhere!

Want to come join us in the conversation about your dream goals and creative projects?

Come and join the free community here! 

Have a great week!

– Marisa

Whenever You’re Ready, There Are 3 Ways I Can Help You:

check them out below!

๐Ÿ’ฐ Momentum Membership (FREE): My free community if you’re looking to begin to move into your life purpose full time! It’s TIME to help you get off the overwhelmed hamster wheel and back into joy! For highly driven seekers + purposeful individuals looking to create more consistent momentum, ignite intuition and confidently step into dream goals + purpose. Access my course on Unlocking The “Missing Link” To Your Manifesting Power on getting unstuck!

๐ŸŒท Ascend + Align Accelerator Program For those who have done it all, and are finally ready to have their breakthrough with toxic relationship patterns and to finally stop the self-sabotage! Master the art of creating consistent momentum in building a high intention life and finally gain the confidence to step into your bigger goals goals, break codependency, eliminate the scattered mindet, ignite intuition, and heal your life. This mentorship program is delivered in a very small and intimate container and limited to 20 spots. (1 available). Want to see if this program is right for you? Click here to apply ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

๐Ÿ‹ Private 1:1 Consulting: The worldโ€™s smartest founders, creators, business leaders and CEOs work with me when theyโ€™re ready for fresh-squeezed ideas, intuitive business strategic insight, and finally ready to redesign a business/life based on more space, time freedom, and stepping into their highest level creative pursuits. 

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