March 2020 Inspirational Message

Are you feeling like nothing seems to make any sense? You’ve worked so hard at building your foundation over the past nine months. Some of you may feel like things are unraveling at the moment and that everything you have built feels like it’s falling apart!

As many of you well know, we are in the mix of a Mercury Retrograde period. For some reason, this time the planets came on strong in the few days preceding the retrograde. And then, we had some introspective slowdown time for about a week and half. The frustrating aspects that usually come with this time period seemed to be invisible. It was a time of calm and restoration. While things moved a lot slower, it gave most of you time to think, think, think

While this may be good for some of you, for others the mind is not in the best place when it has a lot of questions unanswered. This period has also been a time of reflection into a life period from the past. You may have found yourself reminiscing over the past ten to fifteen years, or reviewing a certain life period.

This may have brought upon vivid memories of sadness, unsettled feelings and possibly regret. Some of you may have gotten down on yourself as you wondered how you could have wasted “so much time”. This is normal to have these feelings, however we should really look at it from a fresh perspective of healing and moving ahead.

There are times when slow periods such as these take us away from the BUSY-ness of everyday life and we have no choice but to turn the light within and see how we are really feeling. We have worked hard to build the foundational years, and now is the time to release the past. I’m sure you have heard the phrase, you have “to feel to heal”. So often, being in the constant rat race doesn’t allow us to access those complex and sometimes difficult emotions. 

At some point, we have to face them, and when they are constantly stashed back down, it will be near impossible for us to move to the next level. 

Which brings me to another point. Look at the gifts you have received from the past ten years. Ponder the struggles that you have come through and the person you are today. Accomplishments sometimes come through overcoming strong adversity. We did not come to our Earth school for things to be easy. Our lessons are important for Spiritual Evolvement.

The purpose of this inspiration is to keep you positive and remind you that “this too shall pass”. We still have some weeks of miscommunication ahead. Times can get frustrating towards the last few days of the retrograde as we move into direct station! If you know what’s ahead, you won’t be as frustrated (hopefully)!

Right now, the focus should still be on the internal. We will move into a very action oriented stage once May approaches on the calendar. Write, use your journaling skills, listen to music to heighten your frequency, and take care of the physical body as it purifies. 

You are on the precipice of a New World. Finish what you started and prepare for greatness, and smiles too!

Sending you sparkling energy and light as you head into the Spring!


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