November 2011 Inspirational Message From Medium Marisa Pell
November 28th, 2011
November 2011
Inspirational Message From Medium Marisa Liza Pell
Plus Mini Messages!
I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween! Just because we are now in November does not mean that you still can’t bask in the ENERGY of the season. Most people don’t realize this, but when we say we LOVE the holidays, what are we really saying? You are saying that you love FEELING the energy of the season!! Sometimes, it’s not WHAT we do, but how we EXPERIENCE the season that really counts. Now, as we move into the Thanksgiving, it’s a time to really CHERISH what you have and the word of the month is CONSOLIDATE. At this time, it is really crucial that your focus be strong in attaining both your financial, professional and creative goals. So, it’s imperative that you “trim the fat” so to speak and focus your energy materially. This is not a de-cluttering energy to make room for the new, but rather a consolidating of all that is unnecessary at this time, so you could ACHIEVE your goals and move through any delays that may be presented. This is a time of tailoring, so if you are someone that is “all over the place”, I am urging you to pick one aspect your life and make some clear choices. It is only through the intention of focus that you will see a clear line toward your goals.
It is much easier to begin on the material plane, and then work on the ethereal planes, especially if you are really scattered. This will help you differentiate what you TRULY want, from what you just want to have (for the sake of having it). As you go through your life, ask yourself, are you using it? Do you need it? Is it in your current vibration? It is serving you, or are you keeping these aspects of your life “on the shelf” for those just in case future moments? If you have to pause and wonder how you feel, it is time to let it go.
Do this with your clothing, extraneous household items. the things that no longer fit you, credit cards, papers, even energetic part time ways of making money that you continue to hold on to. It’s time now to KNOW without a shadow of a doubt what you are meant to do, and put ALL YOUR ENERGY toward it, no matter what. I had a client today who inquired how to get past fears to move forward. I heard a great piece of insight a while back, which I relayed to him which seemed to click right away. He loved it! I relayed to him the advice, “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”. Sometimes, it’s minimal phrases like this that have the greatest impact.
Some people WAIT and put their lives on hold and won’t spring into action because they are FEELING FEAR AND/OR ANXIETY. If you try to wait until it is gone, you will be waiting a long time. Some of your greatest strides will be made when you are the most fearful because you are taking the next step up, which to you is unknown territory. Why does the unknown always have to be looked at through the lens of fear? What if the unknown was a wonderful place, filled with everything that you have been dreaming of? You must have FAITH! Think of Indiana Jones, when he had to step out into the fog, not knowing if there would be anything there to stabilize him. If you wait until you see a clear line from point A-B, if you wait to take that risk fearing what you may lose, you may be wasting precious time. Aren’t you already looking for something new? Go for it and take a chance!
Make this month be a month of staying close to those people, places and support systems that fill you with positivity and love!! This will allow the encouragement which will help you soar to meet your dreams!
And now on to the mini messages!
All my best for a wonderful holiday season,
Mini Messages For November 2011. Please note that I do not take requests for messages, nor are they aimed at specific people. I channel these in the moment of writing them, so I’m hoping they reach who they are for! Remember sometimes you may have to be a “messenger” yourself, and forward this to the person who it may be for! I’ve seen this happen many times, and the person will be extremely grateful.
Arnold or Arnie is coming through and he is mentioning the name George (which may in a strange way be a NICKNAME and not the given name George). He is mentioning his stone and how he is happy about the new engraving. He is hoping that someone is still wearing the necklace as it is very powerful for protection. He is saying that his feet really bothered him in life and he may have had to cut his shoes open, or they may have had to be cut. He wants his daughter living to watch out for mold in her apartment. This is a must!!
Sal or Sally. There is also a Robert or Bob connection here. He is mentioning something about tennis or tennis shows and citrus (orange flavored) ice pops in the summer. I believe this is someone’s husband who may be reading right now. He is mentioning the gold earrings he got you that he now knows you didn’t like!! He says he’s ok with that. He wants you to know that he heard you asking for a message and that’s YES he is ok and happy, but that you need a new set of dishrags, they are getting disgusting. He has a wonderful goofy sense of humor and an amazing smile. He said he loves he teeth and calls himself quite good looking.
Ryan. He is mentioning something about Halloween and laughing about it. He is also mentioning the name Grey, Grace, or the color Gray. This is a bit confusing. Not sure what he means here. He is also mentioning the name Harry or Harold and someone that passed of a lung related issue that is with him. He is mentioning the law or a law office, and some changes that will definitely be made into the New Year this year. He is saying to hang tight, and work through it, but don’t kill each other in the process! He is saying that you are all stubborn. Someone there needs further education, or is thinking about going back to school. He is saying to DO IT and is mentioning a part time residence in NYC. He is also mentioning Ali or Allison. Tell her to stop acting crazy and not worry about so much. Something also about a new puppy this year. Watch out for an ear or sinus issue. Get some rest.
Taylor or Trainor. It’s better to get back to your exercise regiment. Haha. Trainor/Trainer. Weird. Anyway, yeah I’m getting to message that something big needs to be accomplished with a plan for fitness and you now have the connections you need to do this. You also need a business plan, and the money will come. Something was also prevalent in your life in 2005, and you need to look back at that for your future plan. There will be a wedding in 2012 that those on the other side are very excited about.
Max the dog is with Buffy/Fluffy/Duff on the other side and is very happy with the relatives who are over there. There is a red collar that is significant and an alien stuffed animal that the dog loved!! There is also the name Buddy that is coming through. I also see a chicken!!! Someone may have owned a ranch or a farm with horses on property as well. I am getting the name Liv or Libby or Olivia.
Bandit is coming through and he is ok! He is with your relatives and they are telling me of your need for another dog like him in your life. He also says you really need a vacation and a better haircut. You are very stressed and could benefit from being around water/the shore or perhaps Palm Trees!!! The answer to your question involves oranges and vitamin C.
Lori. I am getting this name and also an emerald stone that is very important to the family. This is an antique piece of jewelry which must be put in a safe place. I am also getting the name George here as well, and again Libby!! Maybe this is an extension of the message above. The name Gary is also coming through. I hear the song “heaven” which is significant. This person was also a big Bon Jovi Fan!
Hope you enjoyed the messages and see some of you soon at one of our events!!