October Inspirational Message From Medium Marisa Liza Pell
October 15th, 2010

Welcome to my favorite time of year! Crisp air, less humidity and of course the Halloween season! Don’t let this amazing energy pass you by. These last two weeks have been so busy! Some of you may feel pulled in several different directions all at once. My advice: don’t give up now. Normally I advise to take care of yourself and give yourself a rest. Not this month!
Now is the time to work hard, so you can reap the rewards. Hard work WILL pay off, so don’t slack off because you feel run down. I’m not saying to get yourself sick! However, sometimes when things get too tough, we may want to give up and give in. Trust me! Push through and make the most out of the upcoming weeks. This is especially true from today until October 31st. This Halloween will be stellar, with much needed romantic energy bursting at the seams (that was not an intended pun LOL). During Halloween weekend, you have a sudden rush of renewed energy.
If you are single, these next two weeks are prime for you to meet someone new with great fireworks between you! The intensity of energy to come is sure to be very exciting and somewhat addictive. Try not to overindulge. You will be seeking a euphoric feeling. With the intense energy surrounding you at that time, you want to put it to positive activities and not anything destructive. The forces are too strong at the end of the month.
If you are with someone in a long standing union, this could be a great time to renew your relationship and even have a so called metamorphosis! Both of you will experience major energetic shifts around this time, so enjoy it!
Overall the next few weeks will be very lucrative, but only the strong will survive. Now is the time to use that much needed will power to keep going even though you are tired (and probably want to sleep for a few days)! Believe me, once mid November hits, so will a slow point, and then you will want the activity. Plant your feet firmly in the ground this month and till the soil as much as you can, because the first week of November brings much surprises. Many of you will be celebrating big time! So my early congrats to you! This most likely will be monetary sums or windfalls, or much needed recognition and/or a much deserved promotion.
*ARTS/MEDIA: Those of you in the media and the arts will want to make the most of the first week of November. You will be rewarded with recognition from industry insiders.
*SALES: For those of you in the sales industry, this could be that “big contract” or the one that you have been working on for many years that finally comes to fruition.
*HEALTH INDUSTRY: For those of your in the health or healing industry, you will see a lot of clients now through the first two weeks of November. Everything seems to be coming out of the woodwork. You will need to be strong for many people, especially at the end of the month. Health care management seems on the weaker end this month, so there may be some erratic changes/upheavals at work.
*BUSINESS: This is a VERY good month for contracts of all kinds, and especially securing long lasting partnerships during the first two weeks of November. Large business will profit.
*SMALL BUSINESS/ENTREPRENEUR: Remember this is a time to reap rewards from years of hard work and foundation. Not a good time to start a new business or make a large new investment. Invest in experience.
*INVESTMENTS/STOCKS: Not a good time to invest in new business, or hot stocks. This is a great time to invest with reputable banks and companies that have proven their longevity and can back it up with their products.
*SERVICE INDUSTRY: Boom towards the end of October, but with very demanding clients. If you can put up with them, big tips are in your future Some will even leave massive tips! Hair salons and stylists will experience this the most.
* POLICE / FIRE / EMS: With the intense energy coming in, expect some very “strange” happenings and events. These will be completely out of the norm and will not be your usual Halloween pranks. Those of you in this field will be working many hours of overtime this month. Hopefully it will pay off! Demand overtime wages if you are not being compensated. In addition, you will be hearing news of upheaval regarding contracts, agreements and changes to long standing codes. Most of you will be at a cross roads by November 1st as to whether to stay in your current career or leave. If you do leave, the change will not be lateral. You will move into an entirely different career. Some of you may go to medical school and become doctors!
If you do not see your industry here and you are reading this on my blog, leave your industry and I will comment. If on facebook, just comment on my post and I will respond!! Twitter, same. If you are not a fan on facebook or twitter, you can interact with me by clicking on the links on the left. I do most of my interaction on Facebook.
Last but not least, it would be best to leave any work you are unsure of “to the experts”. If you are not an expert in something, don’t pretend that you could do it on the fly. Being unprepared is not wise, for any impressions you make now will be long lasting. This is not time to fly by the seat of your pants or hope that something works out. Impulsiveness is not the name of the game. However, if you have worked hard over the past decade in any field (specifically the past 8 years), it’s now time to get your gold medal! Your work WILL pay off!
You will only be rewarded if you have put in the time and the effort, and the rewards will be almost in exact proportions. It is also important to look at your current relationships. How have you tended to your relationship garden? This relates to much more than romantic relationships. How have you treated your family, friends, associates and business peers over the past eight months?
It’s just not about working hard, but also having the right intentions and laying strong foundations. If you find that your foundation isn’t solid, you may want to hold off in your endeavors. There will be another chance for you, but take some important inventory and learn your spiritual lessons before moving forward.
Wow, I just scrolled up and saw that I wrote quite a bit here! I guess I should leave the rest to your thoughts!
Happy Fall!
All my best,